Sunday, June 20, 2010

Things are Looking Up

Yesterday was a much better day than all the ones before it. Not once did I cry thinking about how lonely I was. I finally didn't feel ALL ALONE. I don't know if it was from good conversation with MS, or my Skype session with SD (and yes, all clothes were on. dirty minds.) but I woke up yesterday thinking, "today will be a good day." Some might say it was the power of suggestion that made it such, but I disagree. I mean, if that were the case, then you could also say that the days I felt like deep fried poo were ones that I woke up saying "today will be shitastic. I will cry all day." Whatever the case, I'm just glad I'm better.

I spent all day yesterday with JP and her friends. We went to a couple cute little bars, ate, moved locations, ate again, and then finally headed home. This is one thing I can definitely put in the "pro" column for staying: we were out, literally, all day. We left around 1ish and got back home at 10:30ish. Can you do that in Orlando? No, because I've tried. That's the main thing that drove me crazy back home. I could sit in the house all day for 5 days a week. Not cool.

Today, I'm meeting up with a fellow Full Sailor, JS, who also just got to the city this week. I'm excited to have someone here who is sharing what I'm going through.

And p.s. I swear, I have not stopped sweating since I got here. Trust me when I say it's hot and slightly uncomfortable. I know heat, I'm a Floridian.

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