Monday, June 7, 2010

I Could Really Use a Wish Right Now

  1. I was more involved in my sorority. I've never been to Convention or Leadership Academy, but I'd really like to know what goes on there.
  2. I spent less time being unhappy with my looks and more time embracing my good qualities.
  3. I had done more things on my own when I was younger. Maybe then at 27 I wouldn't be terrified to venture out on my own.
  4. I worked out more.
  5. I had a job/steady source of income. I haven't been able to support myself for a while, and it's really making me depressed.
  6. I had a hobby.
  7. I was more creative.
  8. I had a talent. So many of my friends are dancers, singers, musicians, artists, photographers, writers, poets.....the list goes on.
  9. Soap Net would decide when they are going to play re-runs of OTH. First it's at 3 and 4, then it's at 2 and 3. PICK A TIME!
  10. I had gone to law school right after graduating with my Bachelors.
  11. I was more motivated to study for the LSATs now.
  12. I could land an amazing job working in PR for MTV or Sony.
  13. I was less scared and more excited about going to New York.
  14. I had an easier time saying I'm sorry. There are quite a few people that need to hear it.
  15. I woke up everyday thinking "today is going to be a good day."
  16. I had a pit bull and a Yorkie.
  17. My hair would grow. I didn't realize how much it didn't grow until my boyfriend pointed out that he had known me a year and it was the same length as when we met. I hate having to wear weaves and fake ponytails.
  18. I didn't dwell on the past so much.
  19. I dressed better. I recently cleaned out my closet and I was very sad when I saw what was left. I own one LBD. ONE. Uno. If I get invited to a lunch, networking event, or anywhere that requires dressing in anything other than jeans, I'm screwed.
  20. I was as confident as I let people think I am.

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