Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Start Spreading the News

I finally let the rest of my world i.e Facebook friends, in on my NYC travel. Initially, I wasn't going to; I was just going to text those people I felt needed to be in the know. When I realized how many people that was, I just went to cyberworld. The reaction? Exactly as I thought it would be.

Most people just wanted to wish me well, as this is something I have been wanting to do for quite some time. Then there were those who, although we don't spend a lot of time together, all of a sudden want to make sure we meet up before I leave. Really? I already haven't seen you in about 6 months, so why does it matter?

But the biggest annoyance of all were those who wanted to know how I was going to afford this. That is definitely on my pet peeve list. Honestly, I wanted to say "it's none of your damn business" but instead I kept it classy. For pete's sake. I think it's extremely tacky to ask people how they are affording something or how much they spent on something. I would NEVER do that. Have I wondered sometimes about friends that are always traveling but unemployed? Of course. Do I ask them? Absolutely not.

Common sense really isn't that common.

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