Anyways, today marks the completion of my first week in the city. If you've read my previous posts, you know those were some rough times. However, I hit a turning point on Saturday and since then I haven't cried once. Yay me! I do still miss SD like crazy, but I don't feel like I want to jump off a building anymore.
I did a little exploration yesterday with a friend from Orlando, JS. It was AWESOME because I finally had someone to get excited about things with. Okay, not so much with, but at least he didn't think I was retarded for wanting to take a picture of the Home Alone 2 hotel. We wandered through Central Park, went to the Apple store on 5th, and then to FAO Schwarz (notice the absence of the "T"). We also happened upon this A-MAZ-ING hole in the wall Japanese place that 100% reminded me of Okinawa. I wish I had my camera cord because, yes, I took pictures of my noodles. All in all, yesterday was a good day.
Each day that I'm here, I learn something new. I thought it would be too much to write an everyday post about it, so this week begins a new series of posts: Things I'm Learning in New York. Expect an update every Monday.
- Contrary to popular belief, one must NOT always have to look like they know where they are going to avoid getting mugged (hear that, MOM?!?). I make sure I check the subway routes before I leave, but I still get to the train and see no less than 5 people checking out the maps down there.
- Smiling at random people is not encouraged. I might even say it's frowned upon. I can't help it though. I'm Southern.
- People can tell I'm not a native because of said smiling.
- Even when walking as far to the right of the sidewalk as I can, people will still zoom up behind me and sigh impatiently as they wait for me to speed up. Since a lot of them don't drive, maybe they are not familiar with the fact that slower traffic keeps right.
- People here are not as mean as the movies make them out to be. Rather, everyone is just so focused on what they have to do that they block everyone else out.
- One of the great things about this city is that you can talk to yourself, out loud, on the street and no one bats an eyelash. I know because I've done it.
- Same thing goes for dancing. Helloooooo, Canned Heat!
- Almost everyone carries a camera. I was apprehensive about whipping mine out every time I saw something cool, so this makes me feel much better.
- Stores still close early on Sundays.
- Not all New York pizza is good pizza.
I'm reading a book right now where the main character just got to NYC and she says something along the lines of "I realized New Yorkers are just pretending to be rude". I thought it was very insightful.