Saturday, October 16, 2010

When Did I Get Old?

For the past few years, I've been saying that I can't wait to get out of my 20s and in to my 30s. I feel that decade will be exponentially better and I just want it to happen already.

However, sitting here today I'm REALLY feeling old. It started yesterday, actually, when I went to a sorority event. I'm used to walking in and knowing at least 1/4 of the people in the room. I knew no one (except Kelly, who came with me). Eventually, a few familiar faces showed up but overall, I knew no one. And no one knew who I was. It made me feel sad and a little awkward. I love to help out with my sorority when I can but sometimes I'm scared to because I don't want to be the Al Bundy reliving my glory days. Perhaps I should get involved in an adviser capacity.....

Then, SD had to go to school today. AGAIN. His schedule is insane right now because he's in the final weeks of final project. He's gone for 8-12 hours every day and I just sit here by my lonesome. I thought maybe today he would get a break, but no. Another 8 hr day. But I feel old because instead of getting up and out, I'm just sitting here watching Food Network. Then I thought, well damn, I'm ALWAYS watching Food Network. No joke, I'm like the grandma who, no matter what day or time of day it is, when you come over, she's watching her "stories." Geez Louise. This can't be healthy but I don't know what else to do. It's Orlando, for pete's sake. Not exactly a happening town. I'm so jealous of all the FB statuses today, as most friends are at a festival, on a nature hike, or just being able to wander around their fabulous city and find something to do.

If I had a job, I would have money. If I had money, I would go somewhere...Daytona, Tampa, St. Augustine, anywhere.

Damn the man.

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