I recently finished reading A Place of Yes. It's not a book I normally would have read willingly (even though I LOVE Bethenny) because I'm illogically against self-help/motivational/self-actualizing books, but a friend of mine suggested I give it a try and for reasons still unknown, I did. It might be too early to tell, but I think it's going to be one of those books that life changing for me. I'm currently trying to implement some of the things she talked about. First up is having what Bethenny refers to as an "I'm on top of it" approach. Basically, she advises against thinking any job is beneath you and no matter the task, no matter the job, even if you hate it, do your best at it; people around you will take notice and that could open many doors for you. Those people who, when given a task, are all about "I'm on top of it!" are those who tend to go farther. Pretty much the equivalent of you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar.....or however that saying goes.
It's no secret I hate my job. With a passion. Not only do I hate the actual job (which is copying, scanning, emailing, and overall creating and building a case that you don't really get credit for) but I also hate the paralegal. She's rude, obnoxious, condescending, and I just don't vibe with her. However, I've decided that instead of complaining about it all day, because let's be real, it's not changing anything, I will continue to do my job and do it well until another opportunity comes along. Today was my first day giving it a try. I won't lie, it was hard as hell at certain points in the day, but I'm not giving up.
I should try using some of these rules in other aspects of my life and I plan on it, but really, baby steps.
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