Friday, August 5, 2011

The Return

As promised, I'm back :)

I'm going through some tough times and in an attempt to not flood my friend's news feeds with emo status updates, I will do all my crying and bitching here. That was your warning.

My boyfriend left today and is driving across the country to Seattle. To live. Without me. I get why he did it; he has to put himself in the environment to get the job he wants. But honestly, I thought I'd be with him. There are two main factors as to why I didn't go and now, only one of them seems important.

He hasn't even been gone 10 hours and I feel like I've lost a limb. My friends have been awesome, checking in on me and offering words of encouragement. I know it will get easier as time goes on, but this first day/night sucks without him. I still sort of can't believe he won't be back in a couple of days; I feel like he's on a mini vacay. The longest we've ever been apart is 7 days; other than that, we've spent every day for the past 4 years.

I miss my other half. I want him back.

1 comment:

  1. I Love you so much honey and I want to be with you forever. It's true you are my better half and I feel like I wouldn't function properly without you. It was the hardest decision I ever made to come to Seattle but I always assumed we would be together again. It's not important where either, my heart will follow you wherever you desire. You are my world, you are my everything I LOVE You!
