Monday, December 27, 2010

It's Been A While

Here's what's happened in the past 4-ish weeks:
  1. I started working. I actually like my job. It's not stressful, which is a big plus for me. Especially if I plan on working and going to school at the same time. The people I work with are nice and overall, it's a good company.
  2. I've lost 58 lbs to date. I bought a whole new wardrobe (mostly for work) and I feel fabulous!! I look pretty good, too :)
  3. I finally took my LSAT. It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Which means I'm either smarter than I thought I was or I'm not at all and I did really bad. I'm hoping it's the former.
  4. I've also started filling out my applications for schools. I'm struggling with my personal statement. I haven't led an interesting life. I'm not a crack baby, I was never homeless, I grew up with both parents in a loving home. I'm not being flip. I just sometimes feel like those are the types of stories schools like to hear about; it's almost like you have to show that you can overcome diversity to handle higher education. Hopefully I can form an essay that doesn't suck.
  5. I have a lot of things personally that I need to work out. My instinct is to fight and get revenge, but a little part of me thinks I should let go and let God. I'm going to pray that little part of me gets bigger and I can handle this with class and grace.

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